Percent Human: A list of tools for detecting lower-quality AI content

Percent Human: A list of tools for detecting lower-quality AI content

As I’ve been sharing examples of sites getting pummeled by the Helpful Content Update (HCU) or the October Spam Update, I’ve also been sharing screenshots from tools that detect AI content (since some sites getting hit are using AI to pump out a lot of lower-quality content – among other things they were doing that could get them in trouble). And based on those screenshots, many people have been asking me which tools I’m using.

So, instead of answering that question a million times (seriously, it might be a million), I figured I would write a quick post listing the top tools I have come across. Then I can just quickly point people to this post versus answering the question over and over.

And note, I’m not saying these tools are foolproof. I have just found them to be pretty darn good at detecting lower-quality AI content. And that’s what we should be trying to detect by the way (not all AI content… but just low-quality AI content that could potentially get a site in trouble SEO-wise).

For example, here is some high-quality human content run through a tool:

Detecting human content

And here is an example of lower-quality AI content run through a tool:

Detecting lower quality AI content

Again, it’s not foolproof, but can give you a quick feel for if AI was used to generate the content. Below, I’ll cover my favorite AI content detectors I’ve come across so far. I’ll also keep adding to this list so feel free to ping me on Twitter if you have a tool that’s great at detecting lower-quality AI content!

1. Writer’s AI content detector tool:
First, it’s from a company that has an AI writing platform (sort of ironic, but does make sense). Also, it seems like the platform is more for assisting writers what I can see. You can check out their site for more information about the platform. Well, they also have a nifty AI content detector that works very well. You have probably seen my screenshots from the tool several times on Twitter and LinkedIn. 🙂 Below are some examples.

Writer’s tool detecting higher-quality human content:

Writer's AI content detection tool measuring high quality human content

And here is Writer’s tool detecting lower-quality AI content:

Writer's AI content detection tool measuring lower quality ai content

2. Huggingface GPT-2 Output Detector Demo:
If you’re not familiar with Huggingface, it’s one of the top communities and platforms for machine learning. You can check out their site for more information about what they do. Well, they also have a helpful AI content detector tool. Just paste some text and see what it returns. I have found it to be pretty good for detecting lower-quality AI content. 

Huggingface’s tool detecting higher quality human content:

Huggingface's AI content detection tool measuring high quality human content

And here is Huggingface’s tool detecting lower-quality AI content:

Writer's AI content detection tool measuring lower quality ai content

Those are the tools I’ve found to be most useful so far. Again, I’ll keep adding to the list as I come across additional tools that can help surface lower-quality AI content.

Summary: Although not foolproof, tools can be helpful for detecting AI content.
Again, I’ve received a ton of questions about which tools I’ve been using to detect lower-quality AI content, so I decided to write this quick post versus answering that question over and over. I hope you find these tools helpful in your own projects. And again, if you know of other tools that I should try out, feel free to ping me on Twitter!


Original Source: Percent Human: A list of tools for detecting lower-quality AI content
