10 minute TikTok videos are gone

TikTok has not made any official announcements regarding the change, and it’s unclear whether the modification is permanent.

A little over a year ago, TikTok allowed users to upload videos up to 10 minutes long. Now, users have noticed that option is gone.

User reactions. Several TikTok users have posted videos speculating on why the change happened, asking TikTok to bring back the longer format, and venting about TikTok releasing the update seemingly out of nowhere without warning.

Why we care. If TikTok frequently makes unannounced changes to its platform, it could potentially create an impression of inconsistency. Users and advertisers might perceive the platform as less stable or reliable, which could impact their long-term trust and engagement with TikTok.

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Original Source: 10 minute TikTok videos are gone
