Bing Chat in the Edge Sidebar – An AI companion that can summarize articles, provide additional information, and even generate new content as you browse the web

Bing Chat in the Edge Sidebar – An AI companion that can summarize articles, provide additional information, and even generate new content as you browse the web

I’ve been heavily testing Bing AI Chat since last week and it’s been fascinating to see how it works both in the search results and in chat mode. As I explained in my post about the “code red” that triggered thousands of “code reds” at publishers, AI in the SERPs is one of the most important, and monumental changes, we have ever seen in the search industry. And it can potentially have a huge impact on publishers across the web. The financial impact could be massive.

During Microsoft’s presentation in Seattle, they showed off Bing Chat in the Edge sidebar, but I hadn’t seen it live during my testing… until yesterday! This is where Bing Chat can act as an AI companion while you browse the web (sitting in the Edge sidebar). For example, you can use Bing Chat to answer questions based on the content you are viewing in a tab you have open in Edge. And that opens up a ton of opportunities to have Bing AI help you as you browse the web. For example, you can ask it to summarize the article you are reading, pick out the most important information, understand who the author is, and more.

Well, yesterday I took one more look at the sidebar in Edge to see if Bing Chat would show up, and I’m glad I did! I quickly noticed I had access to Bing Chat in the Edge sidebar! I shared a Twitter thread with some findings based on my testing, but I wanted to document those tests here on my blog.

Below I’ve included several screenshots of using Bing Chat in the Edge sidebar. Again, it’s like an AI companion as you browse the web. I’ll keep testing and adding to the this post.

Summarizing an article:

As you can see, although I asked Bing Chat to summarize my article, it also pulled in information based on other sites that were writing about the overall topic. The good news is that my site was the core citation, however, there were several other citations listed there, including Bing citing itself (which I have reported before). But that Bing citation led to a search result with my blog post winning the featured snippet. So, I’m cool with that. 🙂

Understanding more about the author:
Based on pulling up some articles from some top people in the SEO industry, and our interest in Google and Bing understanding more about authors of content, I decided to ask Bing Chat who the author was based on the content I was reading in Edge. Bing Chat did not do very well… at all. You can see it doesn’t know Lily Ray wrote the post and it believes a journalist from The Atlantic wrote Barry Schwartz’s post.

I tweeted about that yesterday and it was great to see Fabrice Canel from Microsoft say that he passed that feedback along to the Bing Chat team.

Using “Compose Mode” in the Edge sidebar to generate content:
In the Edge sidebar, there are three tabs. One is labeled “Chat”, which I’ve been explaining in this post, but the second tab is labeled “Compose”. I dug in a bit and that’s where you can have Bing Chat generate content. You can tell it the style you want, the format, the length, and then have Bing Chat generate the content for you.

One you generate the content, you can copy it to use elsewhere, or you could click a button labeled “Add to site”. That was very interesting to see… so maybe Edge will create content for you and then let you quickly add that content to the page you are viewing? That button doesn’t work yet, so I’ll keep an eye on it. But again, very interesting to see that.

Bing Chat in the Edge Sidebar Opens Key Opportunities for Microsoft (and You)
As you can see based on the examples I provided above, having an AI assistant browsing the web with you, that’s ready to answer questions about the content you are viewing, is almost like having a rudimentary version of Jarvis at your side. I covered how Jarvis is where AI chat in the search results is heading, and this is an interesting first step. Now back to my testing… I’ll try to update this post with more examples soon.


Original Source: Bing Chat in the Edge Sidebar – An AI companion that can summarize articles, provide additional information, and even generate new content as you browse the web
