
畑中 隼一郎

住宅ローンの選び方。その前に知っておくべき支払い能力と立てておくべき返済計画 | 仲介手数料無料のREDS

畑中 隼一郎

お金をかけずに理想の住まいを手に入れるには? 6つの方法を解説 | 仲介手数料無料のREDS

平野 剛志

Outlook on Future Demand for Japanese Real Estate by Foreign Investors in Post-Pandemic Era | 仲介手数料無料のREDS

As the COVID-19 pandemic gradually recedes, Japan is experiencing a resurgence in the number of foreign travelers visiti...
平野 剛志

Top 10 Key Considerations for Foreign Buyers Purchasing Condos in Tokyo! | 仲介手数料無料のREDS

1. Budget and FinancingDetermine your budget for buying a condo in Tokyo, taking into account not only the purchase pric...
平野 剛志

10 Tips for identifying well-maintained condominiums | 仲介手数料無料のREDS

Are there any good ways to identify we-maintained condominiums when purchasing?Yes! We will explain things you have to l...
平野 剛志

The issues you should be aware of regarding aging condominiums | 仲介手数料無料のREDS

When considering the purchase of a used condominium, are there any factors need to be taken into account?The REDS agent ...
平野 剛志

How much is the “Repair Reserve Fund” for your condominium? | 仲介手数料無料のREDS

Hi, I am Takeshi Hirano, the REDS agent. Are you aware of the monthly cost associated with owning a condominium, such as...
平野 剛志

TOKYO CITY Series ① – Roppongi | 仲介手数料無料のREDS

Hi, I am Takeshi Hirano, the REDS agent.If you want to enjoy the dazzling nights of Tokyo, Roppongi is the perfect place...
平野 剛志

TOKYO CITY Series ② – Shibuya | 仲介手数料無料のREDS

Hi, I am Takeshi Hirano, the REDS agent.If you’re looking for the lively heart of Tokyo’s city life, Shibuya is the plac...
平野 剛志

Are there any possibilities that a foreign national utilize a housing loan in Japan? | 仲介手数料無料のREDS

Hi, I am Takeshi Hirano, the REDS agent. Are you having a hard time in financing to purchase a property in Japan? Well, ...